
As the Bitcoin experiment plays out, it appears its designed as an alternative, "opt-in" monetary policy, based on distrubtued cryptographic proof-of-work, ensuring an asymptotic supply issuance. The  advantage of opting into cryptographically determined monetary policy is that it removes the arbitriness of prevailing and historical monetary systems which are subject to the whims of authorities, and hypothetically, should result in greater efficiencies in areas of economic growth and development planning, contract negotiation, and entreprenurial risk-assessment.

Naturally, this potential thesis will amalgamate the ideas in several fields of study including:

  1. Free banking, and competing reasoning on business cycles and credit utilization (political economy).
  2. Cryptography, and the link between thermodynaimcs and general network dynamics (i.e. how supply issuance is ensured).
  3. Contract and game theory - formalization of gains in the utility of said monetary policy.

Below, we'll provide a continually updating list of supplementary technical readings, divided into these fields.


  1. S. Nakomoto, "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" 2009.
  2. A. Back, ""Hashcash - a denial of service counter-measure,", 2002.